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We would like to inform ourselves to you as a leading Inspection and testing agency in the field of NDT. We have also the privilege of possessing satisfactory performance record to our credit all through our functioning.  We are having Level-I and Level-II standard technicians to carry out the different NDT job and the entire job is executed by our ISO Level-III personnel.

  1. The RIS (Roentgen Inspection Services) was established in 2018 as the NDT service provider to catch the requirement of the various industries in India. We provide the service of the highest quality to meet the inspection requirement of modern Industries. All the inspection activities are carried out to meet customer’s requirement in accordance with the company satisfaction of national/international standards by knowledgeable staff. The RIS ensures customer satisfaction by providing prompt services and reliable result at reasonable cost in as short as possible.
  • The company is managed by   NDT professionals having long years of experience in NDT.  The product range varies from Radiography Test, Magnetic Particle, Dye Penetrant, Ultrasonic Testing, Ultrasonic Thickness Survey & Heat treatment, Hardness, PMI. Services provides to various industries in India as per requirements. RIS is certified from, MSME
  • RIS believe the successful execution of these services results from:
  • Well trained technicians that understand both the method of inspection and the nature of the environment they are working.
  • Subject matter experts that can support technicians with a broad base of knowledge and experience.
  • An understanding of relevant procedures, industry codes and standards that prescribe how inspections are to be performed and/or special considerations to be employed.
  • Equipment that is up-to-date properly calibrated and equipped for the material to be examined.
  • Safe work practices controlling the execution of the work and a safety culture that ensures the practices are followed.
  • A quality system that works to standardize the execution of the service with consistently repeatable results.
  • We believe share quality just in time.
  • Safe work & good housekeeping our main motto.                                                                                                     
  • Facilities in Non – Destructive Testing
  • A) Visual Testing                                   E) Dye Penetrant Testing
  • B) Magnetic Particle Testing               F) Ultrasonic Testing
  • C) Radiography Testing                       G) Thickness Survey
  • D) Hardness Measurement                  H) Positive Material Identification